Computer training or manuals for atr 72
for ATR 42 and ATR 72. Type Certificate Holder: ATR-GIE Avions de Transport Regional. 1, Allee Pierre Nadot 31712 Blagnac Cedex. For all ATR 42 models: Hyjet IV or Skydrol LD4 Refer to Structural Repair Manual and Aircraft Maintenance Manual. ATR offers maintenance training solutions across all aircraft variants, from legacy aircraft to -600 series. ATRnavX ATR maintenance documentation. Structure repair manual (SRM) familiarisation course. ATR MMEL/CDL maintenance course. ATR 42/72 maintenance planning customisation. Online Study Guide for ATR 72 600 | Brainscape. Atr 72-600 systems pdf - On the last episode Atr 72 600 Systems Guide This new guide release is intended for training on Atr 72 200 Systems Guide - Air Data Computers: AZ-800 ADC; Attitude and Heading Reference Systems: AH-600 foreword This Flight Crew Training Manual is an essential tool to learn the ATR standard operating procedures. It has been conceived as the standard ATR -500 SERIES ATR 72-500 THe UlTRA-effiCienT STAnDARD THe RefeRenCe in ReGionAl AiR TRAnSPoRT The ATR 72 is recognized as ATR 72-500 Aircraft Systems Course | Aircraft Training ATR 72 Flight Crew Operating Manual (1012 pages) with every information about the ATR 72/42 series Be aware that in the meantime, the FCOM has changed. There are new limits, parameters, or even procedures. The ATR 72 is a twin-engine turboprop, short-haul regional airliner developed and produced in France and Italy by aircraft manufacturer ATR (Italian: Aerei da Trasporto Regionale or French: Avions de transport regional), a joint venture formed by French aerospace company Aerospatiale (now Airbus) ATR-72-500-QRH - Download as PDF File (), Text file () or read online. ATR-72-500-QRH. the event in the maintenance log. specific procedures related to ATR 42/72-500 aeroplane only. This Manual establishes sequence, designate individual and collective crew duties and furnish brief explanations in For ATR-42/ATR-72 programs already approved, reductions through provisions of 14 CFR Crewmember emergency training in all ATR-42 and ATR-72 related aircraft should be conducted in Level A compliance is achieved by such methods as issuance of operating manual page revisions ATR 72-600. Type Rating, Operator Training, Dry Lease. Entry requirements for ATR 72-600 Type Rating course: The applicant must be a student pilot currently undergoing training Depending on the training specified by the airport authority and the operators' manuals, the course familiarizes pilots 287 Appendix I-- ATR All Weather Operations Brochure and ATR Icing Condition Procedures 5Refer to Section for further information about the developmental controller and trainer handling aircraft in As a part of the ATR 72 icing certification, ATR performed computer analyses of ice accretion
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